The rise and fall of Detroit is a common discussion topic in our household and my husband and I are constantly tossing around different theories as to why this once beautiful city has fallen into such disrepair. There are so many contributing factors, some proven while others are mere speculation, that I won't even begin to address them here today. Whole books have been written about the subject and classes are offered at major universities around the world in which students examine the boom and bust of this case study city. In my personal opinion, it is a fascinating subject and one that I want to know more about. I want answers.
I am, by nature, an inquisitive person. I like to think about things thoroughly- examine them from all angles and come up with plausible explanations for difficult problems. I'm an armchair psychologist in many ways and am constantly trying to understand (and reconcile) human nature, especially as it relates to society. When I practice this somewhat odd hobby of mine, I usually am able to do so in a detached manner- as an observer rather than a participant in the equation. Even when my own family members are involved in particular puzzle. For example, when pondering the age-old question of "why is this person this way?" I'm able to look at "this person" almost as a stranger instead of say, my aunt. Anyhow, my point is that I don't get too emotionally involved in solving the great mysteries of life other than to feel pride when I believe that I've reached a particularly accurate conclusion. My personal involvement is limited to the role of sleuth rather than suspect.
That whole set up was leading up to this: Lately I've noticed people acting, how shall I say... aggressively (?) towards my husband and I when we're driving around town in our foreign car. One person went so far as to give us the international sign of disapproval (thumbs down) when we drove by them on the street. We thought that something was wrong with the car and he was being kind and alerting us to the situation. Then we woke up and realized that he wasn't the first one to aim their unhappiness in our direction lately. As a matter of fact, he was just one of many to give us dirty looks or honk rudely at us.
So now, when pondering the rise and fall of Detroit I've shifted from my comfortable role as sleuth into the role of suspect. That's an odd feeling. Am I contributing to the downfall of this city and its surrounding areas?
In the two years that we've resided in Michigan we've witnessed the closing of so many automotive plants that I've lost count of the number of jobs lost. While the jobless rate throughout the rest of the country is pretty low, Michigan's unemployment rate continues to soar. Every day the newspaper headlines bring more bad news of contract buyouts, lost opportunities for new businesses and looming plant closures. The big Ten Year Plan. Over the next 10 years all hell will break loose.
I think about the Michael Moore documentaries that I've seen and envision the manufacturing towns such as Flint that have all but become a shell of their former selves. The crime that has cropped up in these cities as the result of economic decline. And I think to myself that this could never happen in a town that I lived in. Of course, I grew up in Orange County, the land of milk and honey. Built on oil and then Disneyland and finally settling in on technology and botox to keep it running. Orange County always promised growth and opportunity for those willing to grab hold of the brass ring and sell their souls to the devil. A small price to pay for a shot at owning real estate that will triple its value in the time that you take to recite the Bill of Rights. In Orange County, you have a God given right to life, liberty and the pursuit of Gucci. To expect any less is heresy. But in Michigan, the expectations vary drastically. One can hardly hope for a steady job let alone a shot at climbing the property ladder or owning Gucci anything, unless it's a knock off. (That's not to say that there isn't money here, because THERE IS. I'm talking mainly about the middle and lower classes. Don't get me wrong, I live within 5 miles of a mall that I can barely afford to drive by let alone shop in. Not everyone is suffering. Just most.)
So lately I've also noticed the number of houses for sale in our area. Not just a house here or a house there, but 5 houses on every block. It's become a pastime of ours: Count the "For Sale" signs. It's depressing. Rarely do you see an actual "Sold" sign or even a promising "Sale Pending". When I see these neighborhoods littered with real estate signs it breaks my heart and makes me wonder if the entire city got together and decided to sell, sell, sell! Even in Orange County, where the housing market is out of control, I never saw this many "For Sale" signs. Something tells me that these homeowners aren't all moving on up to bigger and better, either. I suspect, more than anything, that when their home finally finds a buyer that they'll be hightailing it to another state- one with actual jobs for its residents.
And the thing is, the housing market isn't the only sign that things are going down hill. Schools are closing because they don't have enough students. Teachers are striking because they have to pay for their class supplies out of their own pockets thanks to a deteriorating tax base. Stores are closing left and right. What was open just yesterday is now a vacant building. This has happened three times to me in the last few months. First when I went to my local Rite Aid to have a prescription refilled only to find them empty- even though I had been there just the week before. It happened last week when I drove by my local Blockbuster and saw that the sign had been taken down and the interior was dark. And then, just last night when I called Domino's to order a pizza and no one answered. I told Bruno that we should call the police because someone must be robbing them! It's the only explanation for why they wouldn't answer the phones, right? Nope, when I called another Domino's to place my order they explained that my local store had closed. Really? But I picked up a pizza from them on Saturday....
I guess I can understand, given the current economic climate, why people would flip me off when I cruise around town in my Japanese car. The thing is, I didn't buy it new. It was actually a gift from my in-laws and we need it so that our child will be safe when we're on the road. I won't apologize for owning it and will even go so far as to tell you that the only two American cars I've ever owned were purchased over the past two years while I've lived in Michigan. The first one was stolen and the second one is sitting in my driveway leaking oil. And no one can tell me why its leaking oil either, but I guess that's neither here nor there.
In a year, when Bruno and I bring up the age-old Downfall of Detroit discussion, we'll be doing so from a distance. We're an example of the failure of Detroit. We came here for Bruno's education and then found that the job market could offer him no incentive to stay and reinvest in the community once he was properly prepared to do so. So, instead of giving back, which is what we both sorely want to do, we're going elsewhere to make our mark. We have to if we want to survive. I guess that means that, in this never ending debate, that we can be not only the sleuth and the suspect, but also the victim. Never before I have I found myself smack dab in the middle of my own mystery. It's like Murder on the Orient Express. They all did it, yet no one could really be blamed.