I've been cooking a lot lately. I never knew how therapeutic cooking could be until I had all of my vices stripped unceremoniously from my usual repertoire. People stare at you funny if you're 7 months pregnant and sidled up to a bar with a martini in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I can't handle that kind of scrutiny. It's why I drank and smoked in the first place: to forget. So, I've had to find other things to fill up all of this excess time and cooking somehow fell into my new mix. I don't recall exactly where this started because I've never enjoyed cooking before, but I won't complain. As a matter of fact, I'll rejoice, because food tastes and smells yummy and it most certainly takes me out of my head and into a more relaxed space- one that I could stand to visit more often. I even told Bruno the other day that it would be ok with me if I had a little bit of meat on my bones if it meant that I could cook and eat awesome food every day. That Rachel Ray girl? She's a slightly plump yet totally happy chick. It's because she eats- and clearly eating is almost a sexual experience for her. Ever noticed how she always tends to have a post-coital glow about her? Yeah, ok, you may hate her. Most people have some type of aversion to her but if you really dig deep down you'll realize that it's because you're jealous! You want to eat orgasmic food with abandon too! And get paid for it! Just the mere thought makes me feel a little flushed...
So last night I cooked the most awesome dinner! I made rigatoni and chicken with a creamy lemon sauce and asparagus with a lemon-fresh herb-olive oil dressing on top. Ahhhh.... It was so fabulous! The creamy lemon sauce was filled with pecorino and parmesan cheese- freshly grated and still slightly moist! My favorite part of the dinner was when Bruno said to me, "This is a winner!" Yeah!
I've been waiting for a check to arrive in the mail for at least 2 weeks now. Yesterday it finally came and so Bruno and I have decided to treat ourselves to something frivolous. Hot, huh? So, this afternoon, after I'm done working we're going to head over to the bookstore and pick out our fun treats. I'm debating between a new cookbook or this really cool recipe book where I can store all of my "winners" for easy recall. Hmmm... Decisions... decisions...