Well, well... I seem to have woken up a bit since it is now 11pm and I am still up. Not only am I up, but I talked Bruno into making us some sautéed clam pasta at 10:30pm and he actually did it. Now he's back in the kitchen making cupcakes. He just said that he doesn't know what is going on with him. I told him, "You're either pregnant or stoned." Neither is likely. I actually suspect that it has to do with the fact that his thesis is done and already turned in. He's like a new man. Yeah! I have my Bruno back from the trenches of art school hell!!!
And since the pain in the ass thesis is now behind us, we have some time to play. How do we like to play? PHOTOSHOP!!! Since I started this blog I've gone back and forth about posting pictures of us on here. On the one hand, this is my life and I want to be able to document it. On the other, I have clients that will figure me out in a heartbeat if I do that. I want to bitch about my work more than I want to litter the internet with my likeness, so I've vetoed the personal photos idea. But, I still want to be able to post them. Quite a conundrum.
After pressing our massive brain's together, Bruno and I came up with the perfect solution: We will superimpose other people's heads to our bodies! Brilliant! For Bruno, we selected a super-fly picture of his father circa 1970. He looks like a kung-fu master who has a way with the ladies. And if he wasn't married during the 70's, I bet he would have been those things! We don't have a picture selected for me yet. I went through my grandmother's photo album (that she passed on to me) and picked out a few photos of her during WWII. My favorite is one where she and her girlfriend went to Central Park in search of single sailors. She's all dolled up and affecting a "come-hither" stare. Honest to god, she met my grandfather the day the picture was taken! And yes, he was wearing his sailor suit! I have the pics to prove it. And you might get to see one...
So, lengthy set up out of the way, here is the very first installment of "Bruno and Gigi Go To The Zoo". Chances are, in these pictures you will never see us at an actual zoo. That doesn't mean that we won't throw in some random wild animals every now and then though. This is just our family photo album to commemorate the years to come. So, without further ado:
In this photo, Bruno released all of his pent up rage over his senior thesis on our poor x-mas tree, Bob. Late at night, I can still hear Bob cry. Bruno sleeps great now, though. (Alternate explanation: Our tree was ginormous and had to be "trimmed" once it was in its stand. Not as much fun, but the truth rarely is...)