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It isn't fair for the universe to ask so much of one person. You are so strong! To have suffered such a life and still be the kind and loving person you are... to be able to enjoy a loving relationship with your husband and survive pregnancy and the first traumatizing times of newborn parenting..... and still have a sense of humor! Wow.
I wish there was something that we all could do to ease your pain. I know it doesn't really help, but know that there are a lot of people in your life now that love you and would do whatever they could to make your life easier. I've known you only a short time, but I count myself one of them.
Cheers to happy pills! I hope they work and allow you to move over this latest hurdle on the path of healing. Kisses from the baby (they're the best kind).


I am so sorry that you have to endure all these sadnesses. To be able to get this far, and BE MARRIED with a new baby says a lot for you who are and how strong you are, as well as your hubs. I have suffered from depression many times, one for the suicide of a close friend and at times I feel that I'll never get over it, like it just happened, and it was also in 2001. I can't even imagine dealing with more than one, and my heard goes out to you! Keep your head up and your eyes on your cute baby. It seems like maybe he's exactly what you need to help you through the tough times.


Gigi, I am so sorry for your losses. Losing someone you love is never easy anyway, then to have it happen in such a tragic way..I just can't imagine. I think grieveing is a lifelong process, I know I go in and out of grief over my mom and she's been gone 7 years now. Maybe the depression is not because of the hormones, but I know I hurt a little every time my babies smile, wishing she were here to share it with me.

Please don't go anywhere. I do read but don't post or respond very well. I'll try to do better. Love M


I'm very sorry to hear all that you have endured. Your story has made me realize that I am very fortunate...all in just the five minutes that I spent reading it. May whoever read this, come to the same realization. Just remember that even if people are not with you physically, they are always...ALWAYS with you someway. Your attitude affects your loved ones around you. Each day you wake up is a miracle itself. Live your life to the fullest. There is always hope. Keep holding on to your faith.

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