The boy is sleeping and I'm drinking coffee, so for the moment, all is well in the world. Actually, life is great when Archie is awake, but I just can't get anything done. You should have seen my house before I blew through it like a cleaning tornado last night. I think that the mess could be blamed (in equal parts) on the fact that Bruno was out of town for 3 days, my thrill-a-minute depression and the little boy who has taken permanent residence in our home. He's not all that messy but he doesn't leave me with much time to clean up my own slovenly messes. Hence, a house that looks like squatters have moved in. All that's missing are the hypodermic needles littering the floor. And the Colt 45 bottles...
I'm actually feeling a little bit better than I was last week. A big component of my depression is the fact that I weigh more than I've ever weighed in my life. I ate everything in site while I was pregnant and now I'm paying for it. It's hard to look at yourself in the mirror or see your double chin in pictures and not want to hide from the world. But I've known all along that I wasn't going to sit by idly while my waistline continued to expand. I just needed to hear the all clear from my doctor before I could begin working out again. Unfortunately, once I had her permission I no longer had the drive to work out because I was feeling too blue. I've worked through this though and made two very important steps this week: I began taking yoga with Archie and I went to Curves to find out information about signing up. Once I get my next paycheck (yes, I'm back to my old job- don't ask) then I will be a woman of action. Finally.
On the subject of yoga... what a difference it makes to get your body in motion. It was so hard for me to get my butt there but I'm so happy that I did. Archie really enjoyed himself for the first half hour, which had me in stitches. The class is set up so that the yoga alternates between moms and babies. When it's time for the babies to do yoga the moms are supposed to ask the babies if they want to do yoga. It's so funny! So I asked Archie if he wanted to do yoga and he didn't scream so I took that as a sign of consent. He giggled through the entire thing, which of course had me giggling. I actually started crying because he was so cute and having so much fun. But then the fun ended when he quickly decided that he was over yoga, so I spent the second half of the class trying to keep him quiet. Somehow though, I ended up extremely sore the next day even though I don't really recall getting much of a workout.
Anyhow, I know that I said that I wouldn't post pictures of my little boy, but I have to. I don't think that anyone will be able to identify him on the street. He's not famous or anything.... yet.... So, here's some extreme cuteness to melt your heart and set your ovaries into overdrive. I dare you to resist the urge to reproduce! I dare you...
I'm in love.
Posted by: IrishGoddess | January 11, 2007 at 10:48 AM
Awwwwwwww. He's just too, too cute. Lookit those big eyes!
Glad you're taking steps to get moving. It really is a big component of depression, and, of course, depression makes you not want to move, so it's this downward feedback thing.
Now I need to re-read that paragraph I just wrote and internalize it...
Posted by: OmegaMom | January 11, 2007 at 10:56 AM
Oh he is SO cute! Glad you got to get out and do a little yoga. I have found a good work out routine (3-4 times a week) helps keep the depression at bay (or at least manageable). I know you might not be able to do that as often cause of the little guy, but any little but will help!
Posted by: Lindsey | January 13, 2007 at 10:22 AM
Glad to hear things are settling in for you guys. The boy is definitly cute. Especially like the bunny outfit. Hope you received your copy of Craft. Thought you might appreciate it. Hope to see you guys soon, missed you at New Years.
Posted by: ZOE's Papa | January 17, 2007 at 05:19 PM
Oh Gigi he is gorgeous!!! I haven't stopped by in awhile and I'm so glad I did! He is beautiful.
I LOVE yoga. Did it during my pg, and when Mom passed, it was the only thing that kept me sane. Keep it up, you will get hooked! Love M
Posted by: Melissa | January 20, 2007 at 11:41 PM