I know that some expectant parents at our stage in the game already have their baby's room fully decorated. We do not. We have a room dedicated to the baby, which is a start, but somehow it has become our catch-all room. In the past month it has become so crammed with artwork and miscellaneous stuff that I can't even get to the baby's closet, which actually houses the few baby items that we do have. This is a great source of concern for me and one that grows larger and larger by the day. Or should I say night? Because the nighttime is when my biggest worries bubble up to the surface - both in my dreams and during the multiple trips that I take to the bathroom while the rest of the world slumbers. Who knew that I could be so keenly alert to my fears at 4:30 am? When I get up at 9:00 am each day I can barely function enough to make it to the couch, yet in the middle of the night my brain manages to be crystal clear and teaming with lists of things to do and things not yet done.
Yesterday we received our first major piece of baby "furniture" and I couldn't be more relieved to finally cross a "to do" off of my list. Behold, The Lullaby:
Bruno's mother ordered this for us and she has officially become my hero! While we were visiting in California, Bruno and I were fortunate enough to be able to go shopping with his mom and brother at the local baby store. What fun we had! While we were there Bruno and I had to pick out a new playard because the one that we had originally chosen was actually a baby-killing machine (if we were to believe the reviews- which we were!). So it was so much fun to watch Bruno and his brother Wolf take down all of the playards and test them out. I loved seeing Bruno in "father" mode! I swear I actually starting crying at one point and had to walk away because the whole thing was so touching.
So, when this huge package arrived in the mail yesterday I was beside myself with joy! I must have taken a hundred pictures of Bruno trying to put it together and, yes, I cried at one point when I realized that this was the first time that Bruno was assembling something for our child. This is just the beginning of his career as an assembler, as he'll be putting together Christmas gifts and birthday gifts for at least the next 10 years!
The reality is really starting to hit us. At some point very soon this child will be here, no longer safely tucked inside of me but on the outside, playing with the little animals dangling from his mobile and screaming for a diaper change or food or god only knows what other reason. Holy cow. I'm so scared. And so excited!
I am reminded of a quote:
"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking outside your body." (Elizabeth Stone)
Cool crib... uh... thingy. I'm so bummed I didn't get to go on the shopping trip. Stupid job. Gets in the way of all my fun.
Posted by: kate | August 15, 2006 at 12:02 PM
Dont feel bad. I have done absolutely nothing except buy a few outfits for this guy. His room is still an office and will probably remain that way till he is a year old. Who knows. I am not strssing about that when I already have one to worry about. They could care less about having thier own bedrooms till they are like 5 anyways.
Posted by: Lisa | August 15, 2006 at 07:44 PM