Miracle of all miracles! I'm starting to actually feel better! I'm not sure why it took so long, but the start of my 16th week of pregnancy was actually a good one and here I am in my 17th week feeling fabulous! I can't believe that I'm actually uttering these words, but I'm really loving being pregnant right now! (That's a lot of exclamation points.) But really, I can't even express the total change of personality that I'm going through right now. It's as if the demon that has occupied my body for the last 4 months has finally been exorcised. And not a moment too soon!
A few weeks ago our house was filled with people from all over the country and I couldn't have been more sick. It was actually the worst bout of morning sickness that I've had up to this point. Not only was I constantly spinning but there was no time to sit down or close my eyes and beg for the spinning to stop. The hot flashes were intense and unrelenting. Thank god that I had my mom there to take care of me!
The day of Bruno's graduation I threw up TWICE in the parking structure at the opera house where the event was held. My mom, Bruno's best friend and I were sitting in the car killing time since we were early and I was trying really hard to will the nausea to pass. No such luck. I was able to make it out of the car and down a few parking spots to a big van that provided a bit of cover before I lost my cookies (repeatedly) on my open toe sandals. When I got back to the car I tried to laugh it off but I don't think that anyone bought my act. I was at least able to hold off getting sick again until we were in the opera house and I was near a bathroom. I nearly missed Bruno walking across the stage because I had my head in a toilet in the basement. The only consolation was that I knew it would all make a good story one day. Has it entertained you sufficiently? Then it was all worth it!
That was really the worst of it though. The next few days were bad but not nearly as bad. Then on Monday, before my mom flew home, we went to my monthly doctor's appointment. It was great that my mom could be there to see the facility and hospital and meet the staff. It was comforting to her and made me feel better as well since she gave it her stamp of approval (she's been a nurse as long as I've been alive). It was also our first chance to hear the baby's heart beat but the Doppler couldn't detect it so we got to have another ultrasound. This time the picture wasn't that clear though and I couldn't identify much of anything accept the beating heart. Had the baby uncrossed its cute little legs though, we would have been able to find out the sex. No such doin'. The baby is stubborn, like me! I told the doctor that I would be happy to get up and jump around a bit to get the baby moving. Hilarious, right? I thought so, too! The doctor (who was not my regular OB) did not think so though and proceeded to give me a lecture about the virtues of patience or some such garbage. I can't really tell you because I tuned out early on. I was too busy poking my stomach in an attempt to get the baby to reveal its genitalia to us. “Reveal thyself baby!” That didn’t work either, so we have an appointment in a few weeks to try again. Bruno and I have been giving the baby nightly pep talks to encourage cooporation (read: thinly veiled threats) at our next appointment. I really think that it’s beginning to work.
The most momentous thing that has happened since I last updated this sadly neglected blog? We felt the baby kick! Several times! Even Bruno could feel it! It was very subtle but definitely a kick. Either that, or I have a serious medical condition that I can't even think about right now. So, that little bugger is alive inside of me and I'm in awe of the amazing beauty of nature! I swear to god, I want to hug every tree that I see because it represents a small part of the awesome process of life.
Well, I'm teetering on the brink of a novel here if I keep writing, which I could by the way. But aimlessly, which would not make for good reading. I'm hoping to start up here again though. At least I know that I want to start writing for pleasure again. What a concept, eh? I think that Bruno's graduating and becoming a productive member of the art world is stirring up the need to write within me. He got a studio that we are actually going to be sharing space in and I'll have a corner with a desk to write or to work on crafty crap. So perhaps my first novel won't be that far off. Although, having the baby will make it just a wee bit harder.... Such is life, right?