Do you know people who like to laugh at you when you trip? Do you know people who, when you tell them you are going for a walk, they tell you (with absolute certainty) that you are going to trip while on your walk and then they laugh? I seem to be surrounded by these people. At every turn I have someone telling me that I'm going to fail at this or that or the other thing. And then they laugh because my failure is the most hysterical thing that they can imagine.
I don't understand this and it's one of my biggest pet peeves in the world. Why are people so excited to see me fail? Why do people get such a sick thrill at imagining me tripping? Is this a weakness on their part? A fatal flaw that they were unable to master something themselves so they project their failure onto me? Perhaps it's easier to laugh at my failure than to examine their own shortcomings?
This is something that has been bothering me for a while. I can't pinpoint any one person who does this because it seems like so many people do it. Do I do this? I have decided to make it my New Year's resolution to not do this to other people. I don't think that I do because it bothers me so intensely, but maybe I do it without realizing it. It appears to be second nature to some, like a built in response. If I have this built in response I want to hire a contractor and have that "addition" removed. It's an ugly trait and serves no one at all.
That's my rant for the day.