Here's the daily crafting update...
Since the Tie One On theme for this month's apron is to use clothes from your own closet, I selected this muumuu because it has fabulous fabric. I bought this a couple of years ago when I was on a bar-b-que wear/cruise wear kick. I amassed quite a collection of clothes for the 1960's tourist and always hoped that I would be invited to a bar-b-que so that I could wear at least one of the outfits. I suppose that I have been invited to bar-b-ques but somehow I never felt comfortable wearing this muumuu. I mean, it's a muumuu for god's sake!
After cutting it up I started piecing it all together and this is what I have so far. I still need to pin the "apron strings" on, which are actually going to be thick pieces of the same fabric that will tie into a big pretty bow in the back. I'm not sure about the ball things at the bottom. I love them and would put them on everything I make just because they are soooo kitschy, but I think that they might take away from the beauty of the fabric. On the other hand, without the balls there are no decorative elements what so ever. What do you think???
Just for kicks, I added this picture below because I want to make it at some point before next x-mas. My mom has had this since the 60's and I've always wanted to steal it, but you can't steal from your mom. That's bad. So at x-mas I had Bruno take a picture of it so that I could make my own. Isn't it pretty?
The other day when Bruno and I were at Michaels I casually asked him if he thought that I was an artist. He said, "Sure!" So I asked him, "If I ever run into your teacher again and she asks me if I'm a visual artist," (because she forgot that she already asked me that once and I said no??? Whatever, it's just a game...) "what should I tell her?" He replied, "Tell her that you work in 3 dimensional soft sculpture. Say that you are interested in space and textiles." "O.K.!" So, if you are reading this, I just want you to know that I'm a writer AND an artist. A 3 dimensional sculpture exploring space and textiles. Got that? Good.