I said that I would post pictures of my "flurry of activity" yesterday but it turns out that my flurry consisted mostly of running errands. I hit so many places that I was exhausted by the time that we got home (at 8:30pm) so I was only able to (almost) finish my nieces cloth book. We didn't eat dinner until after 9pm, but Bruno made crushed bean soup and it was well worth the wait! He learned the recipe when he was living in Italy- his landlord would come over once a week and teach him how to cook something new. Lucky me!!! Our current landlord smelled the garlic and thyme from downstairs and was nearly licking our front door when Bruno decided to offer her some. So we ended up downstairs eating soup and bread with her. It was fun, but it took the final energy that I had in me and smashed it into smithereens.
Tonight we are going to a gallery opening and then we are going to one of our favorite restaurants for dinner. I'm looking forward to it, but I need to get ready soon and still haven't gotten much done today. I'm hoping that it will be an early night so that I can get home and still be productive in some way, shape or form...
This is a boring post. Sorry. I have cramps. Did that make it any more exciting? I didn't think so. Sorry.