Things here are so insane that I haven't even read any of my favorite blogs in days. Bruno hijacked the computer for days, mumbling something about a thesis and an impending deadline. I don't know what that was all about. And then, of course, there were my own pesky deadlines to deal with. Well, at least now I have one of those out of the way. Three more to go before I jet off to parts much warmer than here. Ahhhh, that day can't come soon enough. My evenings have been filled with craft projects galore and I am honestly looking forward to January when I can start working on new projects. I have so many ideas waiting in the wings that it’s taking all of my strength to resist them until I'm done with the Christmas stuff.
It's late right now- 2:43 am to be exact- and I should be tucked safely in bed. I just wanted to update this incase people thought that maybe I had died and that my cats might be dining on my face or something. Don't worry. I don't have cats.
Tomorrow night I'm going to Noel Night in downtown Detroit so I'll have fun pictures to post and hopefully fun stories to relay. Cheers!