My sewing machine... I've refrained from bitching about it on here, that is until now. Here's the deal: Bruno bought me the sewing machine for my birthday back in July. I was so busy this summer that I wasn't able to take it out until November. Four days after taking it out of the box, it broke. I've said before that I could be responsible for it breaking. I don't know anything about how to use the damn thing and I could have asked it to do something that it didn't want to do. But, maybe not. I'm only sewing straight lines with it. That doesn't seem to be asking too much... So, I took it back to JoAnn's where it was purchased. I knew that the warranty had already expired but I was going to try anyway. The lovely woman who helped me (and by lovely, I mean heinous bitch from the lowest circle in hell) was wonderful. She started off by telling me that I was just going to have to wait because she was with another customer. Um, ok. I was just standing there waiting patiently. It wasn't like I was hovering over her, tapping my foot and looking at my watch. That was the start of a lovely experience.
When she finally got around to helping me, she was nothing but charm and kindness. I was trying very hard to be polite but after a few seconds I was gritting my teeth to stop myself from letting words like "whore" and "fuck you" fly out of my mouth. Not because of the sewing machine, but because of her stellar customer service skills. When I told her that I had only been using it for 4 days when it broke, she said, "that's what you get with a cheap machine". What?!? I bought the machine from YOUR store! I'm sorry that I didn't buy the $3,000 model, but you know, I figured that I'd start with something simple. So I proceeded to ask her why they sell that model if it's "so cheap". "Well, we don't carry it anymore." Oh, I see. You only carried it long enough to put it on sale and make mass amounts of money off of your less smart customers. Umhm. I explained to her that I had just pulled it out of the box that week and she said, "Well, I guess you've learned that you should try things out when you first buy them, haven't you." I wanted to hurl the machine at her. Instead, I gave her my number and told her to call me with the estimate. It is probably going to cost as much as I paid for it to repair it. That makes me so angry, but I can't afford to buy a better (new) machine, so I'm stuck. When I walked out, I did something that I NEVER do. Under my breath, but loud enough for other customers to hear me, I called her a bitch. I couldn't believe myself. I am so non-confrontational and a pansy when it comes to standing up for myself. The one time that I actually do assert myself, I go way WAY overboard. At least she didn't hear me. I don't think...
Update: Just got off the phone with JoAnn's (the same dragon lady) and they aren't going to charge me for the repairs. And the repairs... well... I knew that it was me! I just didn't put the bobbin thingy back properly. Um, I'm going to sign up for sewing machine lessons... But, she WAS a bitch, regardless. I maintain that fact, even if my sewing machine problems were my own fault.