I think that I'm sick again. My throat started hurting last night and now my head feels like it's floating somewhere in the clouds. I don't understand. I don't touch other people. I hardly ever leave the house. Is Bruno a carrier? Does he suck up the germs of all the infected people at his school and bring them home gift wrapped for me? I'd prefer flowers instead.
I can't be sick because I have two (count them: TWO) articles due by Friday. This is disconcerting. I can't miss these deadlines or else the magazines will skip my columns in their issues. Bad. Very very bad. Both articles should be relatively easy to write, but I'm not done with my research. Argghhhh!
I also have a bazillion projects to finish up in the next three weeks for the Christmas gifts. My first attempt at sewing a zipper didn't turn out too well. It actually freaked me out so bad that I'm afraid to turn the sewing machine back on. Chicken, I know. I received my embroidery patterns though, and so last night I ironed on all of the letters and embroidered one of the pages in the book. It looks pretty good considering I've never done anything like this before. There are mistakes, but I hope that no one notices. I also made a batch of calendula soap. It looks disgusting, but I'll reserve my final judgment until it actually hardens. I kind of suspect that it will still look gross when it’s done though. Have you ever smelled dried calendula flowers? They smell like feet- sweaty gross feet. It was making me kind of ill to separate the petals from the stems. I guess that's why the recipe calls for a teaspoon of tea tree oil. To mask the feet smell.
It sounds like I'm bitching here, but I'm really not. I'm stressed and afraid I'm sick and that stresses me out even more. I wonder if Santa will lend me an elf until Dec. 15? I could really use the help!