So, here we are on the first day of round 6 of The Baby Game. G-d this is hard to jump back into. You know what's funny... My husband and I had "relations" a few nights ago for PURE PLEASURE. There was no chance that it would result in a pregnancy. We didn't do it because the calendar told us to. I didn't lay with my legs straight in the air afterwards. We did it simply because we wanted to. Period. End of story. And, it was great! After 5 months of scheduled relations, it was fabulous to love my husband simply because I love my husband. What a concept, eh?
I don't know when I turned into the kind of person who discusses my sex life in public. I've never been the girl who sits around with her friends and discusses technique. I don't want to hear about your sex life and I'm pretty certain that you don't want to hear about mine. I certainly don't want to invite you into our bedroom for a look-see. But somewhere within the last 5 months, I did just that. I guess that my definition of "personal" has changed a bit recently. When you make it known that you are trying to start a family, it's as if you are announcing to the world that you are having a lot of frickin' sex. And how strange is that? For years I lived with the feeling, probably due to my catholic upbringing, that sex out of marriage is bad. That didn't stop me, by any means, but I did experience a fair amount of guilt for being the tramp that I was (hee hee). Now that I'm married, the stigma has been lifted and I am free to make love until the wee hours of the morning and all guilt free! And to top it off, I can even discuss it with my mother. I'm frightened by this new form of intimacy that has developed between me and the rest of the world. The one where words like "period", "ovulation" and "sperm count" are now as common in regular discussion as "bitchin' concert", "screw the IRS" and "my boss is a douche bag". When did this happen? When did I begin telling strangers that my ovaries must be lazy? That my uterus is an a-hole? When??